Jfeeder v2.1
Isotope State
Average epsilon: Average epsilon error
Direct Slope: Direct slope error
Precession angle (mrad) Angle error (mrad)
Spin P P error W W error eps eps error Branch
# of feedings sum_P sum_PB sum_PBW sum_PBWE sum_P2B2W2d2E

Clean epsilon +-
Clean slope +-
Dtheta (mrad) +-
g factor +-
The relative error is:  %

NOTICE: The program corrects the epsilon and slope values from feedings to the state from states one level up only. This means that if one measures 2+ -> 0+, Jfeeder corrects only for 4+ -> 2+ -> 0+, 22+ -> 21+ -> 0+ etc and NOT for 6+ -> 4+ -> 2+ -> 0+ and so on.

All code by Theodore Mertzimekis Last modified: Thu Sep 11 10:53:12 Eastern Daylight Time 2003